Discussion of the Day
What was your happiest moment in life?
Andrzej JOct 25, 24
Whenever I see my family happy, it feels like the most fulfilling moment of my life. I truly believe that witnessing the joy of loved ones is the greatest gift anyone can receive. Besides that, what personal experience brings you the most happiness? What has been your happiest moment in life?
Comments - Page 2
  • pam rae
    hi ty susan KFC
    • Val 1394045
      Birth of my daughter
      • Morenita
        My grandchildren
        • Noelene 1560913
          My happiest day in my life is when I gave birth to my children. It was so beautiful and I have 3wonderful sons and4 beautiful daughters. The pain was so amazing knowing I'll be getting something so special in the end. I'll never forget it. And I love them all so much and thank God every day for them.
          • Susan KTC
            Perfect 馃憣
        • Roeli L
          Asking Jesus to be my personal Lord and Saviour.
          • Tupulua S
            winning lottery, { if i ever win}
            • Jarna-michele 1584663
              When I found a quiz that don't time out
              • boy blunder
                seeing my grandkids smile, when they learn something new, write their name for the first time, say the alphabet, count to ten when they earn a dollar because they have completed a chore, all of their moments in life are a joy to me and a privilege to be a part of
                • Susan KTC
                  Beautiful 馃憣
              • Maria Cecilia 1558995
                When my female dog gave birth to my beautiful puppies in 2014. Totally felt a big explosion of happiness, such cuteness overloaded. I couldn't handle all those chubby puppies.
                • pam rae
                  growing up in a loving home with parents that had happiness raising us and the joy seeing my two son's have the same love..
                  • Cher
                    Seeing my daughter for the first time. She was immediately placed next to me on the OR table/ c-section. We were in sync. immediately. She looked at me. I felt pure love and joyfulness.
                    • Gnomes and Pitbulls
                      When I showed everyone that I can get pregnant at 15 and STILL buy a house and get an associate degree by myself raising my child after getting put out
                      • View all 3 replies
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                      • PhyrephlyBLACK LIVES MATTER
                        same! Kudos to you, Gnomes & Pitbulls! More Power to you! One of my happiest moments - ever - was coming home from high school, after my last - as in final - day there!
                      • Gnomes and PitbullsPhyrephly
                        Thank you
                    • aimee b 858382
                      When I got accepted to college. Felt as if life would change for the better.
                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                        When I got divorce, and I get alimony from my 'beloved' ex-wife - PURE HAPPINESS - for the rest of my LIFE!
                        • Lyn 78550
                          I can only imagine the happiness you felt Walter. Good one. Take care and have a great day.
                        • BLACK LIVES MATTERLyn 78550
                          Hi Lyn. Hoping you have a great upcoming weekend :-)).
                      • Linda C
                        The day I got my divorce as this was the beginning of a new and hopeful life
                        • Simba 1006243
                          I agree that seeing my family brings a lot of happiness, however, I recently moved from a big city to a small town. The happiness it brings me leave me speechless.
                          • Sandra 1575376
                            I agree, seeing ones family happy is definitely a fulfilling experience.....馃槉

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