Discussion of the Day
What was your scariest nightmare or best dream?
TimtamFeb 19, 23
The scariest dream I ever had was when I was staying alone at my Nan's house. Nana was being cared for by mum and dad at our house at the time, so it was just me on my own.
From home, I had to catch 2 buses each way, whereas from Nan's I could walk to my school. I was staying there for a few weeks whilst I had exams on, so I could study in peace and not worry about being late to exams.
I dreamt in extremely vivid detail that someone had broken into the house. The room I slept in was directly behind the verandah, so there was a window between me and the verandah
It seemed so incredibly real, I heard every sound, every movement, muffled voices, plans to stab me if I moved.... I was convinced I was about to die.
I laid there for ages, super still, straining my ears for any sound, not knowing if it was a dream or not.
So how about you ? What is your worst nightmare or the best dream you've had?
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